Florida voters have a chance to determine the future of solar energy

October 25, 2016 0 By Alicia Moore

Rooftop solar faces a major decision in Florida

Rooftop solar energy is at risk in Florida, and voters have a chance to determine its future. A new measure is on the ballot for Florida and, if approved, it will grant consumers the right to own or lease solar panels and other photovoltaic equipment. It would also prohibit utilities from charging solar customers more for the electricity they consume. Many of the state’s utilities are opposing the measure, hoping to keep hold of the increasingly competitive energy market in Florida.

Utilities seek to cut down distributed solar energy

David Pomerantz, executive director for the Energy and Policy Institute, suggests that the ballot is “incredibly deceptive.” Pomerantz notes that utilities do not want distributed solar energy to take form in Florida. Indeed, many utilities are opposed to the new measure, with some suggesting that solar energy will create a price disparity among consumers. Solar customers would, potentially, pay less for the electricity they consume, while non-solar customers would continue to pay the same rate for their electricity. Non-solar customers may end up paying more for their electricity in order to balance the revenue generated by the energy grid.

Solar energy could create a price disparity among consumers

Solar Energy - Vote SignCritics of the new measure suggest that net metering is a major issue that should be resolved. Net metering is a system wherein renewable energy systems are connected to a public-utility energy grid. Surplus energy is funneled into the grid, allowing solar customers a chance to save on their energy bills. This particular system has been under fire for quite some time, with utilities claiming that it creates a disparity among consumers.

The future of solar energy is in the hands of voters

Residential solar energy has been growing at a phenomenal rate in Florida. The state is the third-highest market for rooftop solar potential in the United States. Many homeowners are showing strong interest in solar energy because of the potential savings they can take advantage of. Voters in the state must now choose whether or not residential solar energy has a future in Florida.

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