Auto industry may be taking wind energy more seriously than others

Auto industry may be taking wind energy more seriously than others

August 21, 2012 0 By Angie Bergenson

Ford begins taking a closer look at wind energy

The concept of a wind-powered car has often been criticized if not made the subject of derision. The subject was touched upon briefly earlier last week when presidential candidate Mitt Romney suggested that wind-powered cars may be viable in the future. This suggestion was quickly targeted by Romney’s opponents who claimed wind energy could not be used for transportation. This may not be the case, however, as the country’s wind energy industry continues to experience strong growth. This growth has led to prestigious automaker Ford taking a close look at the possibility of incorporating wind energy into transportation.

Ford expands research and development of clean technology

General Motors has emerged as a leader in the electric vehicle space with its Chevy Volt, but Ford is poised to bring some staunch competition to the market with its future electric vehicles. Ford has repurposed its Advanced Engineering Center to focus exclusively on electric vehicle technology. The engineering center has even been renamed to the Advanced Electrification Center. The new center has a strong focus on lithium-ion batteries and their associated technologies, but researchers have also been tasked with examining the potential uses of wind energy.

Wind energy could help establish an infrastructure for electric vehicles

The concept of wind-powered cars is somewhat of a misnomer. Ford is not looking to install wind turbines in vehicles to provide them with the energy they need to operate. Instead, the automaker is looking into the viability of using wind turbines to provide electricity for these vehicles, which may be acquired through charging stations. Wind energy systems have already shown themselves capable of producing large amounts of electricity, which may be capable of bolstering the electric infrastructure for vehicles.

Wind energy may help Ford compete with others

Ford has adopted a strong focus on sustainability. The automaker is poised to compete with other companies that have a keen interest in alternative energy, namely hydrogen fuel. Ford believes that the development of more efficient batteries and electric vehicle technologies will make electric vehicles more popular amongst consumers. Wind energy may not be used to power vehicles directly, but it may help establish the infrastructure necessary to make these vehicles a success.


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