Author: Kirsti Massie

Kirsti Massie, Partner and Co-Head of Projects and Infrastructure at Mayer Brown - I am a projects partner and co-head of Mayer Brown’s Global Projects & Infrastructure Group, based in London. I specialize in energy projects, with a particular focus and expertise in the power, renewables and energy transition sectors. I have been involved in the projects space for over 20 years. Over the years my experience has included traditional thermal generation, renewable technologies, downstream gas markets and increasingly energy transition and hydrogen projects. My experience of working on complex projects, analyzing detailed regulatory provisions and operating in downstream markets provides a good basis for advising interested parties looking to participate in hydrogen projects. Whilst a relatively new area, hydrogen projects are first and foremost just that – “projects”. As a result, my experience in the space more broadly is invaluable. There are currently many opportunities to be part of this global movement where industry developers, lenders and governments are working together to try to create a new hydrogen market that has the potential to play a key role in helping the world address a number of energy challenges. An exciting opportunity but one that needs to be considered carefully.