This hydrogen engine puts America in check: over 400 hp and water as fuel

This hydrogen engine puts America in check: over 400 hp and water as fuel

May 28, 2024 7 By Industry Guest

Electric mobility is being relegated to the background, news that no one (especially a certain tycoon) would want to hear. However, the whole of America is now at risk of losing its leadership in this sector with a new hydrogen engine that has us on tenterhooks. The reason? It comes from outside our borders and has demonstrated unprecedented power, using only water as fuel.

This is the new hydrogen engine that puts America in check: there´s no good news

Hydrogen is now seen as a viable candidate that can be used as an alternative to power sources based on fossil fuels. While compared to gasoline or diesel, hydrogen IS a clean burning fuel from which no emissions are given off. When hydrogen is used in internal combustion engines, the only output that results is water vapor.

One of the technological approaches that may fully unlock the potential of hydrogen is a particular modification of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), with hydrogen replacing gasoline. There is energy in global manufacturers like AVL, which have targeted hydrogen ICEs as achievable in the near term.

Hydrogen engines have parallels with conventional engines as per to the range that they can provide, refueling possibilities, and efficiency. This facilitates optimization of current automotive architectures to embrace hydrogen-powered powertrains.

New hydrogen engine to be developed from Europe: AVL´s prototype

A new brilliant hydrogen engine has been created by AVL, an Austrian company that focuses mainly on powertrain technology. This kind of engine is the hydrogen combustion engine; here, the gas being used is not gasoline or diesel but rather hydrogen.

The technology reflects great progress towards development of a cleaner mean of transport and combating emission issues. The assembly of the hydrogen engine was done entirely at AVL with the team of engineers based in Graz, Austria.

It is fuel efficient because the only product released when the car runs is water unlike the conventional internal combustion engine. AVL presented the working model of the engine in 2021 when they were out with the results of their development and research processes.

Why is this hydrogen engine so different from other ones?hydrogen news ebook

The new AVL hydrogen engine offers significant changes as a technical perspective: it has a high level of power. What has hp equal to 400? This means that the engine puts out 228 kilowatts of power. This degree of power is a match for those internal combustion engines that are fueled with petrol or diesel.

Another index that would draw attention is the engine’s torque output, which stands at 590 lb-ft. This strong torque enables the hydrogen engine to deliver power at a faster rate and wade in pulling large loads when used in large-scale automobiles.

The engine employs a V8 structure with a 4.5L cylinder capability, enhanced fuel efficiency, and the capacity to deliver up to 420 horsepower with a 6-liter displacement. It applies to using gaseous hydrogen directly into the cylinders for combustion.

This supercharged engine has a maximum tire speed of 6500 RPM. This enables it to unlock its optimal horsepower and performance capabilities to the full. It is perhaps noteworthy that the high torque as well as the flexibility in fueling strengthen the potential of hydrogen for transportation.

This hydrogen engine, as you have seen, is not good news for the American automotive industry, although it is good news for the European one. In fact, it will even help us to counteract (albeit indirectly) the growing influence of China, since its strong dependence on EVs is only comparable to ours. Either way, we’ll see if they outperform the rest of the refueling infrastructure.

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