Insight and tips for improving efforts in sustainability

Insight and tips for improving efforts in sustainability

April 15, 2012 0 By Julie Campbell

Tips for business owners and how to promote sustainability in the workplace

Today’s corporate marketplace has essentially made efforts for sustainability a vital activity, but without the participation of the workers, any successes that are achieved will be restricted.

One of the most important factors to ensure the awareness of a sustainability program in a company, and to increase its likelihood of effectiveness, is internal communication. In order to find out how effective an organization is at its own efforts toward sustainability, and to help measure its awareness and effectiveness in this light, a few tips have been recommended. They include the following:

• Provide new hires with an education about the program from the very start. Make the sustainability efforts a standard part of the introduction to the company as a whole, and the way that it functions.

• Communicate with employees within the workplace, and provide reminders of the messages in various locations around the work environment.

• Encourage teams to be creative and competitive in their sustainability efforts. This is not only a great way to boost awareness and participation, but it also makes it more fun and builds a sense of community.

• Encourage continuing education among employees. Sustainability isn’t something that happens after a single event, but is instead an ongoing practice. Therefore, regularly updating employees on the new ways that the company is addressing the issue will keep them informed and involved.

• Celebrate the achievement of goals and other successes. Recognize and reward departments, teams, and individuals that come up with useful sustainability ideas and who exceed their goals.

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