Author: Davide Spinosa

Certification - Galileo Master Certificate (GMC) in Renewable Energy Solutions, Biomass, Hydrogen Energy, Heat Pumps, Electric Vehicles, Combined Heat and Power United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability: Net Zero 101 Author Bio I am currently working as a Gas Turbine Commissioning Engineer for Siemens Energy. Being able to work worldwide in power generation plants allowed me to combine two of my passions, the energy and traveling. I believe the ongoing energy transition process must be seen as a collective stimulus, both scientific and social, to find innovative technological solutions where everyone is called to put as much effort as possible to ensure a sustainable future. This is why I have been personally trying to deepen the renewable energies field, focusing in more detail on the potential of hydrogen as an alternative fuel. When I am not out traveling, I try to spend time with the people closest to me and reading about geopolitics.