How to Choose the Best Impact Driver for Home Use

July 16, 2021 0 By Sponsored Article

Once in a while, a specific instrument comes along that makes you wonder how you ever survived (or just worked) without having it in your toolbox. Most tradesmen would confirm that a solid 12v impact driver is among those types of tools. 

No doubt, you’ll first and foremost need the basics for your home workshop collection (drills, saws, sanders, etc.). But if you’re planning to work on projects that require multiple screws, a reliable impact driver is a total must-have in your toolbox. 

The key to choosing the most suitable impact screwdriver for your home needs is to look for one with enough power for handling the jobs you intend to tackle. In this post, you’ll learn what to look for when shopping for the best cordless impact screwdriver for you. 

So, if you’re interested in finding the impact driver best suited to the projects on your to-do list, keep reading. best impact driver and tools

Major Considerations When Shopping for the Tool

You’re probably aware that power is the crucial criterion when it comes to choosing the right tool for you. If you’re looking for a driver for your home projects, then a less powerful model will do. If you’re on the hunt for a tool perfect for heavy-duty jobs, you’re going to need a powerful high-end driver made specifically for professional use.

Below, you will find some more aspects to take into account when shopping for the best impact driver for home use:

  • Torque is Vital

Impact drivers generate enormous torque (the amount of ‘twisting power’ the tools offer). High torque equals more twisting power. It’s actually the main perk of impact screwdrivers compared to their regular corded counterparts and drills. Therefore, with a solid impact driver, you get to easily drive long screws (e.g., those used for constructing the frame of a house). 

If you’re planning to use the tool for driving screws in a workshop setting, then a small impact screwdriver with 800 inch-pounds of torque will be more than enough. 

  • Battery Capacity Matters

Cordless impact drivers operate on rechargeable batteries in 12-volt, 18-volt, and 20-volt capacities. The higher the capacity parameter, the longer the battery life, and also the more powerful the driver. 

If you need a tool for home use, a 12-volt tool from a reliable manufacturer will do. Bear in mind that you can purchase one interchangeable battery and use it for several tools of one brand. 

  • Weight is Important

Most impact drivers are more lightweight compared to drills, which means that with the former, you get to effortlessly insert tons of screws without developing arm fatigue. That’s especially vital when driving screws overhead, for instance. 

With that being said, the smaller size also adds up to the tool’s maneuverability: impact drivers can be fit into the hard-to-reach spots where a larger drill couldn’t reach. 


Final Word: Finally Get That Magic Tool

A few years ago, impact screwdrivers were quite rare on the scene. These days, you can find tons of them at any tool retailer and hear their sound echoing off any construction site or workshop. 

When tools become all the rage that speedily, people start wondering why so. And, most importantly, what exactly they’re missing. Now that you’re aware of the basics of how to choose the best impact driver for home use, it’s time to head out and make a purchase. 

Know a thing or two about impact drivers? Share your experience in the comment box below.

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