Electric vehicles the subject of new partnership between GE and PayPal

Electric vehicles the subject of new partnership between GE and PayPal

July 19, 2012 0 By Julie Campbell

Hydrogen fuel cells

Companies team to tackle the infrastructure issue

General Electric (GE) has teamed with PayPal to create a new payment system that can be used to charge electric vehicles at GE’s Wattstations. GE’s charging stations will be equipped with the payment technology developed by PayPal and will allow consumers to pay for electricity using their smart phone or credit card. PayPal has already produced a mobile application for the system, which is currently only available for iOS platform.

With bolstered infrastructure, electric vehicles may thrive

The initiative comes as electric vehicles grow more popular amongst consumers. As more of the world’s governments begin to implement stricter standards concerning carbon emissions and fuel efficiency, automakers have had to work o adopt more sustainable practices. Electric vehicles have become a staple in the auto industry for this endeavor. As with other vehicles that rely on alternative energy, electric vehicles are in dire need of a comprehensive infrastructure that is capable of supporting them.

PayPal system will allow drivers to purchase energy with their smart phones

Drivers of electric vehicles will be able to use the PayPal application to find the closest GE Wattstation in their area. The app will allow these drivers to find which station boasts of the cheapest prices for electricity and check the current status of said station. Each charger at a Wattstation will feature a QR code, which can be scanned by a smart phone to provide a user with information concerning the pricing methods of a particular station. Drivers will be able to pay for their electricity using their PayPal account, if they have one.

System may boost the adoption of electric vehicles

GE notes that the collaboration with PayPal will provide drivers of electric vehicles more convenience. The company believes that convenience will spur the mass adoption of electric vehicles in the future, especially as they become more affordable and efficient through the use of new technologies.


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