Germany and Morocco form power team for hydrogen fuel and renewable energy

Germany and Morocco form power team for hydrogen fuel and renewable energy

July 4, 2024 1 By Tami Hood

The European and North African countries formed a climate and energy cooperation alliance

Germany and Morocco recently inked a deal in which they have agreed to ally on climate and energy to enhance cooperation when it comes to Moroccan hydrogen fuel production and renewable power generation.

The North African country has a substantial foundation in place

Morocco has already been aiming to become home to extensive solar and wind energy generation. The goal is to use some of this capacity for the production of green hydrogen fuel, said the Development and Economy Ministries of Germany in a statement they jointly released.

Germany has been taking solid aim at a future green H2 economy which will lean heavily on imports for achieving its climate goals.  This agreement indicates that it hopes to work with Morocco as an important part of meeting its energy demands.

“Morocco has the best conditions for the energy transition and the production of green hydrogen. Germany wants to import hydrogen,” said Development Minister Svenja Schulze.

The hydrogen fuel and renewable energy partnership is meant to be fair to both countries

Schulze went on to point out that the partnership between Germany and Morocco was developed with care to ensure that it would remain fair to Morocco, which would be able to utilize its own fair portion of the clean energy it generates.

Hydrogen fuel - Green Hydrogen Economy

The two countries are also seeking to advance the H2 economy’s development and to add political support for participation among German tech companies and suppliers, said Parliamentary State Secretary Stefan Wenzel at the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The Moroccan government has been preparing for this

hydrogen news ebookEarlier in 2024, the government of Morocco announced that it was seeking to appeal to green hydrogen fuel investors, through the allocation of 1 million hectares (about 2,471,050 acres) of public land to this type of project.

Morocco’s natural landscape and climate afford it substantial sunlight exposure year-round, having already made it a powerful producer of solar energy.  Now, it is also seeking to export green power to Europe.  As it is exceptionally well positioned geographically to export to the EU, where clean energy ambitions are high, the new partnership seemed a strong fit.

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