Morocco wants its renewable energy to draw green hydrogen investors

Morocco wants its renewable energy to draw green hydrogen investors

January 9, 2024 0 By Tami Hood

The country’s ample wind and solar production is aiming at becoming an opportunity for making clean H2.

Morocco has already invested heavily into renewable energy as a part of its decarbonization strategy, and now it is hoping that this will appeal to investors seeking to produce green hydrogen.

The country has set a goal of being able to achieve 10 gigawatts of renewable power production by 2030.

That amount of electricity from the country’s renewable energy resources could be enough to produce as much as 1 million tons of green hydrogen per year. Both private and public companies in the country are working to draw investment in the H2 sector, establishing its top targets to raise its renewable electricity generation capacity by 52 percent by the end of the decade, by 70 percent by 2040, and by 80 percent by 2050.

The country’s solar energy production is currently estimated at 5,000 TWh per year across an area of about 700,000 square kilometers. Its Noor Ouarzazate is one of the largest solar energy complexes on the planet and has a 580 MW installed capacity.

The country’s wind potential is also being touted as promising for renewable H2 production, as the country has a wind energy potential of about 25,000 MW, according to data from the Moroccan Centre for the Development of Renewable Energy (CDER). The Tarfaya wind farm is the largest in the country, with a 300 MW installed capacity. The Taza wind farm is second largest, at 150 MW of installed capacity.

The main green hydrogen investment players are in both the public and private sectors in the country.

The public and private sectors are both invested in renewable H2 in Morocco and can be found at different stages and levels of the use, distribution, transportation, storage and use of the clean energy.

Green hydrogen - Morocco Flag - Hydrogen Storage and Transportation

For instance, MASEN, IRESEN, and INREEE are all working with the government of Morocco on R&D projects for the production of green hydrogen made using processes powered by renewable energy.

The private sector

hydrogen news ebookMorocco’s private sector participants in renewable H2 include Green Energy Park, OCP Group, Nareva Holding and others.

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