H2Hub Summit Reveals Trailblazing Experts from Victorious Hydrogen Hubs
March 16, 2024The event is on March 20 and will feature experts from DoE selected projects.
The H2Hub Summit is rapidly approaching, and attendees will be thrilled to learn that all the H2Hub winners will be featured speakers at scheduled times throughout the event.
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs H2 initiatives
The HYSKY Society hosted event places the spotlight on each of the projects selected by the Department of Energy (DoE) as Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs. The H2Hub Summit will showcase the groundbreaking hydrogen initiatives that comprise each of the projects.
That said, what’s even more exciting is that there will be a speaker representing each of those projects who will talk at various times throughout the event. The speaker schedule begins just after the 9:00am Opening Address by HYSKY CEO Danielle McLean, until her Closing Remarks begin at 12:50pm.
H2Hub Summit featured speakers
The speakers at the H2Hub Summit will each give an address, followed by a live Q&A period. The presentations will be about 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. Each featured speaker’s presentation will occur one after the next, with a small 10-minute break taking place at 11:10.
The featured speakers will include:
Dora Cheatham
Dora Cheatham is First State Hydrogen’s Vice President of Sales & Commercialization. There, Cheatham is responsible for business development, commercialization and communications of green hydrogen production. First State Hydrogen is a member of the MACH2 (Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub).
Brian Korgel
Brian Korgel of Gulf Coast Hydrogen Hub (HyVelocity) is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. His research is focused on the development of new ways to produce nanostructured materials, making devices using those materials, and studying the properties of those materials.
Jacob Brouwer
Jacob Brouwer of California Hydrogen Hub (ARCHES) is the Director of the Clean Energy Institute at UC Irvine. His research is focused on integrated renewable energy systems such as electrolyzers, fuel cells, batteries, solar and wind power, as well as gas turbines. Brouwer is best known for his research and development of the first renewable high temperature fuel cell system for generating hydrogen, heat, and power.
Aaron Feaver
Dr. Aaron Feaver of the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2) is the Director of the Joint Center for Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials at Washington State University. Feaver is also a founder of EnerG2 and Group14, clean tech energy startups focused on battery materials.
Why The H2Hub Summit: Meet the Winners is Crucial for the Future of Hydrogen Energy
This summit presents an unparalleled opportunity to hear directly from the industry experts who are propelling innovation in the hydrogen sector. These are the people leading the ground initiatives, turning the promise of hydrogen energy into reality. They are the winners of the Department of Energy‘s (DOE) substantial investment into America’s first Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs.
Each hub concentrates on a different aspect of the hydrogen economy, from production methods to applications, and each has received significant federal funding to support their projects. For instance, the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub was provided with a federal cost share to focus on clean hydrogen production from natural gas and carbon emissions storage. Similarly, the California Hydrogen Hub, which was awarded a hefty sum, concentrates on producing hydrogen from renewable and biomass energy sources, aiming at decarbonizing public transportation.
This diversity in focus and approach is what makes the H2Hub Summit: Meet the Winners such a vital event. Each hub offers unique insights into the practicalities of creating a hydrogen-powered future. By bringing these hubs together, the summit facilitates the exchange of ideas, fosters collaboration, and accelerates progress.
Furthermore, the H2Hub Summit: Meet the Winners is not just about celebrating current achievements. It is about shaping the future. The summit provides a platform for discussions on future policy and investment in the hydrogen sector, laying out a blueprint for a hydrogen-powered future across various sectors.
The H2Hub Summit: Meet the Winners is, therefore, a crucial event for anyone involved in or interested in the hydrogen sector. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the industry experts leading the way in this exciting field. So don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future of hydrogen technology.
The H2Hub Summit Information:
The H2Hub Summit is open to everyone and will be held virtually on Zoom. It will take place March 20, 2024 from 9am to 1pm (CDT). Tickets to attend this virtual event are available through the HYSKY Society’s official website – H2Hub Summit – and are $30 each.
The HYSKY Society
The HYSKY Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization aiming for zero emission flight. It is seeking to advance North American hydrogen use to promote cleaner skies.