Agenda Released for the 3rd International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC 2022)
June 20, 202220th June 2022, Hy-Hybrid Energy is pleased to release the agenda for the 3rd International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC 2022) to be held in Glasgow on 1st September 2022.
The world’s first International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC) forum was setup in March 2020 by Dr. Naveed Akhtar, CEO, Hy-Hybrid Energy. Dr. Akhtar is a known expert in the field of hydrogen & fuel cells and brings over two decades of experience in the field. He is among one of the experts around the world who has had the opportunity to work on almost all major types of fuel cells, i.e. SOFC, PEMFC, DMFC and AFC. Dr. Akhtar leads major projects in zero-emission mobility, green hydrogen production & fuel cell systems development across the globe.
IHAC 2022 will focus on the use of hydrogen in aviation, the associated benefits, and emerging challenges. The event is an opportunity to connect with experts in the industry and an open invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the next wave of hydrogen in aviation. “Join us at IHAC 2022 and show the world that we are committed to decarbonising aviation by accelerating hydrogen developments!”, says Dr. Naveed Akhtar.
Limited free spaces are available for media and support partners. Please get in touch with us by emailing your interest to: [email protected]
IHAC 2022 Agenda
The conference agenda can be download from: https://www.hy-hybrid.com/ihac-2022
Conference Registration
Conference registration can be made via: https://www.hy-hybrid.com/ihac2022
Please note: We’ve limited spaces for on-site attendance this year, therefore, we strongly recommend registering in due course as it will be served on first-come basis & no late registration requests will be considered!
Presentation Requirement
Presentation should be submitted in a pdf or PowerPoint format by using online submission form available at the conference website. The maximum number of slides should be limited to ~10-12 at maximum, which are expected to be delivered in 15 mins time slot. Only one speaker is permitted per presentation. All Speakers are required to register for the Conference in order to secure their presentation slot.
IHAC 2022 Proceedings
All presentations will be published in IHAC 2022 Proceedings. Authors are requested to fill-in the COPYRIGHT declaration to give consent to publish their work. Failing to provide the consent, their work will not be considered for publication into conference proceedings. The link to conference proceedings will be sent to all registered attendees shortly after the conference.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 29.04.2022
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 31.05.2022
Submission of Final Presentations*: 01.08.2022
IHAC 2022: 01.09.2022
* Failure to submit presentation on the stated deadline or absence during live event may result in loss of allocated space as a Speaker!
Conference Venue
DoubleTree by Hilton Strathclyde
Strathclyde Business Park,
Phoenix Crescent, Bellshill,
ML4 3JQ, United Kingdom
Further details about venue, accommodation and directions to the venue can be found HERE.
The International Hydrogen Aviation Conference (IHAC) Standards
IHAC 2020 & IHAC 2021 attracted high-level international speakers as well as a global audience discussing the role of hydrogen in aviation. This world’s first platform is expected to become the most recognized international forum, gathering leading experts from the aviation sector with a special focus on hydrogen as one of the key solutions for decarbonisation.
Like aviation (with hydrogen addition onboard making it more challenging), we are continuously striving to set the highest standards for IHAC. We foresee the forum to emerge as one of the most prominent meeting places for the comprehensive exchange of industrial, technical & scientific information and for high-level networking. This requires everyone to follow the guidelines in order to ensure the delivery of a most successful event, discussing emerging technical breakthroughs in the hydrogen aviation industry.