Mexico aims to reform its renewable energy sector

March 26, 2014 0 By Stephen Vagus

Federal Electricity Commission announces plans to partner with private companies

Renewable Energy ProjectsMexico’s Federal Electricity Commission, the country’s largest state-owned utility, has announced that it has plans to aggressively promote renewable energy production within the most populated areas of the country. In order to accomplish this goal, the utility will be partnering with several private companies that have an interest in energy. This public-private partnership initiative is expected to have a major impact on Mexico’s energy portfolio and may be able to provide renewable energy projects with the support they have been seeking for some time.

Public-private initiative may be able to help bring changes to the country’s energy policies

Through partnerships made with private companies, the Federal Electricity Commission is hoping to reform much of the country’s energy industry. There are currently several policies in place that have limited the adoption of clean power and there is a need for regulatory reform in order to make energy projects more secure throughout Mexico.

Mexico may be unable to reach clean energy goals without significant reform

Mexico currently has plans to receive no less than 35% of its energy from renewable sources by 2024, but this goal may be impossible to meet without energy reform, according to the Federal Electricity Commission. Solar power is currently one of the most popular forms of clean energy in the country, but the emerging solar sector receives limited support from the Mexican government. Through this new partnership, the Federal Electricity Commission may be able to rectify this issue and bring more financial support to ambitious projects that are meant to provide electrical power to dense population centers throughout the country.

Energy projects in remote communities may receive little attention in the coming months

While renewable energy projects focused on cities are expected to see more attention in the coming months, those that are taking root in remote parts of the country are likely to continue seeing the same level of support that they have for the past several years. These projects are meant to provide reliable electrical power to remote communities that have tenuous access to the country’s energy grid.

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