Microcab may bring progress ot hydrogen fuel through new partnerships
June 7, 2013Partnerships could spell promising future for hydrogen fuel in transportation
Microcab, a United Kingdom-based developer of fuel cell vehicles, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Coventry University and the University of the Western Cape that could provide the company with a bright future in the realm of hydrogen transportation. Through the Memorandum of Understanding, Microcab is expected to gain access to fuel cell technologies from Hydrogen South Africa (HySA), a South African organization devoted to hydrogen fuel. These technologies could provide Microcab with the resources it needs to make its hydrogen-powered vehicles significantly more attractive to consumers.
Microcab may gain access to HySA technologies
The Memorandum of Understanding represents several potentially important opportunities for Microcab. Collaborating with the Coventry University and the University of the Western Cape may help bring some progress to the field of hydrogen transportation, which has long struggled with technological challenges. In terms of technological challenges, HySA may be able to provide adequate solutions and Microcab may be able to use the technologies from HySA to make hydrogen-powered vehicles more appropriate for the UK market as well as markets abroad.
Hydrogen Fuel PartnershipSouth Africa receives more attention for hydrogen fuel initiatives
South Africa has been receiving a great deal of attention lately due to its strong focus on hydrogen fuel. The country is home to the world’s largest supply of platinum, which is a vital component for fuel cells. The country has been working to establish a native fuel cell and catalyst industry, which could be a powerful economic boost if these industries manage to gain a foothold. HySA exists partly to see this goal come to fruition as well as promote the use of hydrogen fuel cells in a variety of industries.
Microcab may succeed in promoting benefits of hydrogen fuel cells in transportation
Microcab has a goal to draw attention to the potential benefits that could be seen through the adoption of hydrogen fuel in the world of transportation. The company believes that hydrogen fuel cells could revolutionize urban transit due to the fact that fuel cells produce no emissions. Urban areas are often associated with poor air quality due to the pollution associated with large populations. Much of this pollution comes from vehicles, a problem that could be solved through the use of hydrogen fuel cells.