What Does Stormwater Software Do?

March 23, 2021 0 By Guest Author

American homes are at a higher risk of flooding from stormwater now more than ever before. 

Caused by climate change, erosion, and the expansion of urban areas, this puts a heavy strain on cities and towns and leaves governments desperate for answers that will help protect their citizens.  Stormwater software is there to relieve some of that strain and inspire trust in the government caring for and protecting its citizens.

Here are some of the ways this software can help and why so many cities turn to it.

1. Improve Clarity With Employees and Residents

Clarity is vital for everyone involved.  When there’s a flood, even six inches of water inside of a property can destroy it enough that it has to be taken down to the studs.  Not doing this can cause mold and rot, which can negatively impact those who live in the home.  Instead of this, if a municipality uses stormwater software, they can keep track of which areas flood most and share this with employees and residents when planning to build or buy in a particular site.  This type of purchase can offer safely for those in the area.

2. Track Maintenance And Problems

Losing track of what’s been maintained and what area is prone to problems can leave someone with a basement full of water.  Instead, cities can track what has been worked on and what needs to be focused on by using good stormwater software.

By tracking the days and times of complaints, and when the maintenance was completed, you can assure citizens that their properties are being cared for.  This eye on maintenance can also help keep projects from falling behind and getting forgotten about.

3. Keep Track of Water and Rain Changes

It’s important to know whether the water levels have changed.  Although meteorologists can tell you how much rain may fall, they can’t predict how water will hit the system.  Some stormwater software can track how much water levels rose within the drainage and waterways and whether the system is handling it well.  Some of these software applications even report back to the National Weather Services so that residents can keep an eye on flooding areas when they’re trying to navigate the city to get to a safe place.

4. Keep Track of Pollutants

When it starts to fall, water can be clean, but when it travels through the pollutants in the air, it can catch it.  Then, when water hits our lawns, roofs, and roads, it will come into contact with more pollutants like pesticides, oil runoff, and animal matter that will make its way into the storm drain.  These pollutants have to get filtered out and treated before making it back into our water system or dumped into the nearest river or body of water.

Many storm-water software offers to track this information and let the governing bodies know if there’s a significant spike or an ongoing problem with pollution in water runoff in the area.  This information can help inspire change in what pollutants are allowed or push a city into working to be more green.

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