Alternative energy gains support through DoD conference
September 5, 2012DoD showcases alternative energy projects and promotes its new proposal
The U.S. Department of Defense recently introduced a proposal known as the Renewable and Alternative Energy Power Production, which would give the agency $7 billion in contract capacity that will help it pursue its various alternative energy plans. The DoD has become one of the strongest advocates for alternative energy and sustainability in the country, considering the matter of energy as one of national security. In an attempt to garner more support for the proposal, the agency tasked the Army Corps of Engineering with hosting a conference that showcased the various energy projects that the agency aimed to support.
Government officials show favor for alternative energy plan
The Corps of Engineers held the conference on August 22 with approximately 600 people attending. The number of people that came to the conference beat out the DoD’s expectations. The crowd was comprised of government officials from both the Democratic and Republican parties, some of whom have been adamantly opposed to the agency’s pursuit of alternative energy. Despite this previous opposition, those that attended the conference showed favor for the proposal and what it could do for the country.
Proposal aims to support native energy projects
The Renewable and Alternative Power Production proposal aims to support native alternative energy projects, with the DoD purchasing energy from these projects through power purchase agreements. The plan would be phased and take place over the course of 30 years. The alternative energy projects will receive the majority of their funding from investments from the private sector. These projects range from wind, solar, and hydrogen fuel to hydropower, biofuels, and geothermal energy.
DoD shows off accomplishments of its efforts
According to the DoD, the majority of those that attended the short conference were impressed with the agency’s proposal. During the conference, attendees were able to learn about the various forms of alternative energy the DoD is interested in. The conference also allowed the DoD to show off the various accomplishments it had made in the alternative energy sector.
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