CommScope launches global alternative energy initiative to help make the wireless industry sustainable
October 24, 2011The wireless industry is currently in the throes of adopting alternative energy.
As wireless technology grows to become a more paramount part of people’s lives, telecommunications companies are looking to lessen their impact on the environment. CommScope, a leading infrastructure solutions company serving the telecommunications industry, has launched a new initiative to help wireless technology transition toward more eco-friendly forms of energy. The initiative will be available for companies throughout the world.
The global initiative will help wireless companies become more efficient by introducing them to alternative fuels, such as hydrogen. Efficiency is becoming a greater concern for companies as mobile technology advances. Higher quality devices often consume more energy, putting added strain on a nation’s energy infrastructure. Alternative energy has been shown to be a way to cope with the added pressures of high performance mobile devices without having negative effects on the environment.
Many wireless companies have adopted the goal of reducing their energy consumption by 25% over the next decade.
CommScope aims to aid in this effort by helping these companies incorporate a variety of alternative energy systems. These systems include hydrogen fuel cells that provide emergency power in case of outages and solar arrays that allow companies to make use of solar-generated electricity. CommScope is offering a number of infrastructure solutions to the problems facing the wireless industry as a whole, all of which are aimed at making the industry sustainable.