HDF Energy plans to produce hydrogen fuel cells in France

HDF Energy plans to produce hydrogen fuel cells in France

November 10, 2023 0 By Tami Hood

The company also intends to expand its operations so it can make H2 in thirty different countries.

HDF Energy has announced that it is broadening its operations in France for the purpose of making hydrogen fuel cells.

It intends to produce green H2 infrastructure for low-carbon H2 production in 30 countries.

HDF Energy’s plan is to produce the infrastructure required for low-carbon H2 and non-intermittent renewable electrical power in 30 countries worldwide on top of the production of hydrogen fuel cells in France. Its intention is to commission a multi-megawatt hydrogen fuel cell mass production factory in Bordeaux, France, next summer.

“The end of construction of the factory is in January, we need then five months to install the industrial part,” said Damien Havard, the CEO of HDF Energy, as quoted by pv magazine.

Before the plant can move forward, it must still receive European authority support, as it has been pre-listed as an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI).

“The European Commission is closing the third wave of IPCEIs. HDF Energy is part of the fourth wave. We hope to reach the final agreement with European authorities in the beginning of 2024,” explained Havard. “These subsidies will be used to deploy fuel cells for train and marine markets.”

The manufacturing of hydrogen fuel cells is only the tip of the iceberg in the company’s plans.

HDF Energy has developed a diversified strategy with a focus on proposing power-to-power and hydrogen-to-power solutions around the world. This way, it would be able to supply a renewable electricity baseload to power grid operators.

Hydrogen fuel cells - French Flag - H2 production facility

The company also intends to develop renewable installations in countries outside the European Union, where it will also be a producer of green H2 infrastructure for applications in low-carbon H2 production.

“We will be our own first clients,” Havard said.

Starting with one country

hydrogen news ebookAs HDF Energy gets started with making hydrogen fuel cells in France, it is also taking its first steps for the projects in 30 countries. French Guyana will be the first of the countries on the list, followed by Indonesia and Barbados among others, moving ahead from that point.

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