Walmart places order for more hydrogen fuel cells

February 28, 2014 0 By Tami Hood

Plug Power confirms receiving purchase order from Walmart for its fuel cells

Walmart - Hydrogen Fuel CellsPlug Power, a leading developer of fuel cells, has announced that it has received a purchase order from Walmart. The expansive retailer has been working to become more environmentally friendly in recent years through the adoption of renewable energy and clean technology. Walmart has invested in both wind and solar energy and is now looking to make use of fuel cells as primary energy systems. The purchase order from Walmart tasks Plug Power with delivering its GenDrive fuel cell units to multiple locations throughout the U.S.

Walmart to acquire and deploy over 1,700 fuel cells over the next two years

The purchase order involves the acquisition of 1,738 hydrogen fuel cells over the next two years. These fuel cells will be deployed at stores throughout the U.S. and will be maintained by Plug Power through a six year GenCare service contract. Plug Power will also be responsible for supplying the hydrogen that the fuel cells will use to produce electrical power. Walmart expects that making use of these fuel cells will help lower energy costs in the future.

Fuel cells continue to grow in popularity throughout the materials handling space

Plug Power’s fuel cells have become quite popular in the materials handling space. These fuel cells are often used to replace the lead-acid batteries that are used in forklift trucks. Hydrogen fuel cells have become popular in this space because they are able to produce electrical power for longer periods of time than traditional batteries. Moreover, fuel cells can be fueled more quickly than batteries can be charged, allowing forklift trucks to operate for longer periods of time.

Retailers begin adopting fuel cells because of their efficiency and ability to produce electrical power

Retailers throughout the world are beginning to favor hydrogen fuel cells for materials handling because of their efficiency and energy production capabilities. Fuel cells can, of course, be used as primary energy systems, supplying stores with electrical power. Walmart is currently making use of some 535 fuel cells from Plug Power, which are used at various distribution centers in the U.S. and Canada.

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