Fuel cell vehicles may have a bright future in China
October 18, 2016China Hydrogen Fuel Cell Corp. hopes to bring more fuel cell vehicles to the country
Hydrogen fuel cells may be the future of transportation in China. The China Hydrogen Fuel Cell Corp. participated in this year’s Hydrogen fuel Cell Summit, which was hosted by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The China Hydrogen Fuel Cell Corp. has a great deal of faith in fuel cells. The organization hopes to launch some 200 new fuel cell vehicles, buses specifically, in Chongqing City within the next three years. Beyond public transit, fuel cells can also be used to power a wide variety of vehicles.
Chinese project had attracted significant financial support
China Hydrogen Fuel Cell Corp’s clean transportation project has won the financial support of Cibanking, a finance company based in Beijing. The project is also receiving assistance from a team from Tsing Hua University, which is focused completely on hydrogen fuel cells. The plan is to produce 1,000 fuel cell stacks within the next few years, which will be quite challenging. These energy systems will be used to power fuel cell vehicles.
Fuel cell vehicles are gaining more attention due to their performance and efficiency
Fuel cell vehicles have become quite popular in recent years. These cars produce no harmful emissions, but are more efficient than conventional battery electrics. Consumer fuel cell vehicles are still quite rare, with companies like Toyota and Hyundai only having launched these cars very recently. Buses equipped with hydrogen fuel cells are relatively more common, however, and have garnered significant support because of their environmentally friendly nature. Fuel cells have also been used in the material handling sector for several years because of their efficiency.
Clean transportation is gaining ground in China
China is quickly becoming a powerful clean transportation market. The Chinese government is investing quite heavily in clean vehicles as a way to mitigate the amount of emissions that are produced by the transportation space. The country still has relatively few hydrogen stations capable of supporting fuel cell vehicles, but this is expected to change in the coming years as these vehicles become more plentiful.