Is Solar a Viable Option in the State of Oregon?

June 17, 2021 0 By Guest Author

Renewable energy, including solar power, is the fastest-growing energy source in the world and the United States is no exception. When people live in an area that is often cloudy or wet, they sometimes question whether solar panels or going solar is an option for them.

Does this mean that solar power is only a viable option in sunny places?

In the early days of solar power, solar technology had not advanced as much as it has now. At that time, power output was low and older panels did not work as well. Many people still operate under the misconception that solar panels are inefficient and need more sun than they actually do. The truth is, advances in solar technology mean that even on cloudy days, panels can collect some energy. In addition, new battery technology the ability to efficiently store energy created during the day leading to greater stability and use of solar power systems.

Do Solar Panels Work in Oregon

The short answer is that it is possible to install solar power panels in all of Oregon. Solar panels do work in Oregon. To learn more about solar power and whether solar power is an option for you, visit

Solar Power Highways

If you want an example of how solar power can be used effectively look no further than the first U.S. solar-powered highway located near Tualatin, Oregon. This project was so successful, it was repeated and plans are in place to build a third solar highway, one that will be the largest solar highway in the world.

Some state capital buildings even solar panels installed on its roof. The very first state to use solar panels in this way was rooftop oregon


What are some Benefits of Going Solar?

To individuals, one of the most attractive outcomes of going solar is the reduced utility bill. It will take a while, but over time and once the initial installation costs are paid for; solar panels can mean financial savings.

A broader benefit of solar energy, one that benefits not just individuals but society as a whole, is the contribution to creating a cleaner environment. Solar power is a clean alternative to many other sources of power.  The use of clean energy contributes to improving air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. A further benefit of limiting pollution is improved public health. By lessening the use of combustion-based electricity generators like coal plants, the use of solar power has already helped lead to large reductions in power-sector emissions.

Is Solar Worth it 

If you look at this from a value-based perspective, if you want to help to be part of the pollution solution, then solar is a good alternative to combustible fuel sources.

From a financial standpoint, typically, a solar installation will eventually pay for itself. The amount of time it takes for this to happen of course depends on how much power you may be producing or using. It also depends on the initial cost of your installation.

If you want to reduce the cost of an installation, that may also be possible. One example of a way to do this the program offered by the Energy Trust of Oregon. The trust has several incentive programs that you may qualify for if you are considering going solar. Solar rebates from the state and federal tax credits can also help to offset the cost of installation.


Are solar panels worth it? The answer seems to be a clear yes. As one of the early adopters of solar energy, Oregon’s solar industries are more well established and thriving than those in many other parts of the country. There are numerous strong examples of the successful use of solar power in residential, government, and commercial projects.

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