Wind energy could have a promising future in the UK

Wind energy could have a promising future in the UK

July 31, 2017 0 By Erin Kilgore

Falling cost of wind turbines could encourage UK government to show more support for clean power

The cost of wind energy is dropping quickly, which is creating more pressure on the United Kingdom government to rethink its support of clean power. According to consultancy firm Arup, onshore wind energy systems can be developed in the UK for the same price as new gas systems. Onshore wind farms are also approximately half as expensive as some nuclear power plants. Arup suggests that the technology used in the wind energy sector has become so affordable that wind may no longer need to rely on subsidies from the government.

UK government is showing limited support for onshore wind energy projects

The falling cost of wind technologies could encourage the UK government to show more support for clean power. ScottishPower hopes that the government will see the promise of wind energy and allow onshore wind projects to once again be developed. In 2015, the UK government decided to prohibit new onshore wind projects from competing for subsidies. The government also imposed new planning restrictions on such projects. These measures have made it significantly more difficult for new wind energy projects to take form in the country.

Politics continues to affect the future of wind energy

Politics has played something of a disruptive role in the renewable energy space for years. Many politicians have shown modest support for clean power, particularly wind, but are more interested in supporting conventional forms of energy. Recently, politicians in the UK have become more supportive of the coal and gas industries in order to secure economic stability. The renewable energy sector is growing very quickly, however, and may have much greater economic prospects.

Scotland has become a bastion of wind power

While wind energy is facing greater challenges in the UK, the falling cost of wind technology could help change this in the future. In Scotland, wind energy is becoming very popular. Scotland is currently home to some of the most innovative wind projects in the world, including the first floating wind farm to ever be developed.

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