Hydrogen Fuel News launches awareness merch store to support The Sea Cleaners
May 27, 2021The new HFN store sells H2 gear, some of the proceeds of which are donated to the eco charity.
Hydrogen Fuel News is proud to announce the launch of its official store, with professionally designed H2 gear to help fans, followers and readers to spread clean energy awareness and support The Sea Cleaners at the same time.
Sale of the HFN store’s t-shirts, hoodies and reusables will generate proceeds for The Sea Cleaners.
The Sea Cleaners’ mission is to work toward a pollution-free ocean, critical to the survival of all living things on the planet, and Hydrogen Fuel News is proud to offer our support. They do so in a number of ways, most notably with their first-of-its-kind Manta ship, which collects, treats, and repurposes large quantities of plastic debris floating on the surfaces of highly polluted waters, along coastlines, in estuaries, and at large river mouths.
The plastic waste is collected from areas of high concentration before it can have the opportunity to sink or to be broken down into microplastics. The collected plastic waste is then processed into reuse solutions that will have as little impact on the environment as possible. On land, the Sea Cleaners also organize litter collection campaigns, encouraging citizens to get involved. This helps to clean up the areas while preventing that litter from making its way into the water.
The Sea Cleaners also focus on innovation, advancement and education. They contribute to scientific knowledge development of plastic pollution origins and impact, making their data easily accessible to decisionmakers and those who would spread awareness or apply it to the improvement of systems and technologies. Their volunteer projects encourage and promote environmentally responsible attitudes to help make a priority of marine ecosystems and their importance to the survival of humanity and the entire planet. Every purchase at the Hydrogen Fuel News store supports that effort.
Proceeds from purchases made at the Hydrogen Fuel News store will be donated to The Sea Cleaners.
Some of the proceeds from sales made at the new HFN store will be donated directly to The Sea Cleaners, to help support their efforts to prevent and reduce plastic waste in bodies of water. Moreover, wearing the shirts and using the reusable gear such as mugs, stainless steel water bottles and duffle bags can act as a reminder of the importance of eco-friendly choices, while spreading awareness of this survival-critical cause.
Green energy is no longer a luxury. Emission-free fuel sources like H2 will play a central role in any chance we have of meeting climate targets. This is why Hydrogen Fuel News wants you to join in to boost exposure for green energy while contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and looking great at the same time.
To help make it even easier for you to spread accurate information and awareness about hydrogen fuel and renewable energy, each item at the Hydrogen Fuel News Store has a QR code strategically placed where it looks great but would be easy for someone else to scan. If anyone asks you what your shirt is all about, just show the QR code located on the back of the neck area or sleeve (depending on the design you choose) and they can scan using the camera on their phone. Boom! You’ve got someone else learning about H2 through your awesome gear.