Largest offshore wind energy system comes online in the UK

Largest offshore wind energy system comes online in the UK

July 9, 2013 0 By Tami Hood

UK activates world’s largest offshore wind energy system

The world’s largest offshore wind energy system has been activated in the United Kingdom. The London Array, as it is named, came online late last week and represents one of the country’s most aggressive steps away from fossil-fuels. The United Kingdom has long been heavily reliant on fossil-fuels, but has taken a keen interest in renewable energy in recent years due to its economic prospects and concerns regarding climate change. Offshore wind energy has been particularly attractive to the country due to its access to large expanses of ocean, where strong wind currents are abundant.

London Array boasts of 630MW capacity

The London Array boasts of a capacity of 630 megawatts, which is enough to power some 470,000 average homes. The offshore wind energy system also has the potential to displace approximately 925,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere annually. The London Array has spent 12 years in development and could be the cornerstone in the United Kingdom’s continued efforts to embrace renewable energy and break away from fossil-fuels.

Offshore wind energyUK also interested in solar energy

With the London Array now active, the UK may now be able to devote its resources to other renewable energy endeavors. The country has taken a strong interest in solar power, though its solar potential is somewhat limited when compared to other countries, such as Brazil and those in the Middle East. Nonetheless, solar energy represents another avenue through which to be liberated from fossil-fuels and this type of clean power also comes with its own economic prospects that could benefit the country as a whole.

London Array may establish UK as a leading force in renewable energy

The massive offshore wind energy system could establish the United Kingdom as a leader in sustainable power. The London Array is the largest energy system of its kind, but is not likely to be the last. There are currently plans for a similar system to take root off the shore of Scotland, but this particular system is still several years from reaching completion.

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